Information for Actors
WHEN: Tuesday, February 18
3:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturday, February 22
3:00 - 6:00 PM
WHERE: American Theatre of Actors (ATA)
314 W 54th St., 4th Floor
PREPARE: Prepare a contemporary two-minute monologue with dramatic- comedic range. Bring two copies of headshots with resumes attached.
DIRECTOR: Jessica Jennings
CALL BACKS: Monday February 24th
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Character Breakdown
TIME: The Present
PLACE: Martha’s Vineyard
SETTING: The artfully weathered New England home of MARION WOLCOTT. The house is situated on a bluff with a view of the ocean. A few apple trees dot the front yard along with a wisteria-covered arbor. Exquisite climbing roses grow on a trellis attached to the house. A wrap-around porch offers an array of comfortable wicker furniture and an inviting porch swing. A decorative screen door leads to the kitchen. Inside the home, a high-ceilinged great room features a combined living, dining, and kitchen area. The space is decorated in an understated, beachy style. All action takes place within these two areas.
CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
MARION WOLCOTT: (79) Patrician, wry, savvy. Mother to JOANNE, ALLISON, and BETH; grandmother to KAT. Faces life’s challenges with WASPY pragmatism and dry humor. A striking woman who is never seen without her hair perfectly coiffed and her trademark triple strand of pearls.
ALLISON WOLCOTT: (Mid to late 40s) An elementary school art teacher whose secret dream of being a successful artist remains unfulfilled. Creative, empathetic, frazzled. Single parent to 15-year-old KAT. Finds her uncommunicative teenager a challenge. Yearning to meet a life partner but close to giving up hope. Takes Xanax when needed—which is a lot.
KAT WOLCOTT: (15) Sarcastic and angry-at-the-world high school student, daughter to ALLISON, granddaughter to MARION. KAT is passionate about her art but struggles with self-esteem issues and hides her talent from others. She feels a special connection with her grandmother; has abandonment issues with her mostly-absent father; and is in the midst of a fractious period with her mother.
ELIZABETH: (Early to mid 40s) Youngest of the three Wolcott sisters. Well-dressed, vivacious and pretty, BETH spends a lot of money and time on personal grooming. She is kind-hearted and fun-loving, but also materialistic and essentially shallow. She knows this and accepts herself for who she is. Married for the third time to BLAKE, a rich blow-hard.
JOANNE: (Late 40s to early 50s) Eldest of the three Wolcott sisters. Sanctimonious without realizing it, rigid, anxious. Married to GARY, a fundamentalist minister who oversees a mega-church in Kentucky. JOANNE longs for respect from her mother and siblings and remains troubled that they have not all accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.
LUKE: (30s to 40s) A home hospice nurse caring for MARION and other patients on Martha’s Vineyard. Dignified, kind, and enigmatic, Luke is a handsome black man (in a conventional or unconventional way), who is unmarried, fit, and straight.